7000 ft off Sunrise Boulevard and 3.8 miles North of Port Everglades at LAT 26°08.320 N and 80°04.830 W DGPS is a 50′ circle of Erojacks, 4 ft high each – at a depth of 65′ in the sand and 58-60′ on top of the Erojacks.

The circle of Erojacks at the Osborne Reef is often frequented by snappers,  grunts, porkfish, etc., with some gamefish feeding here too and occasional Nurse shark.

About 100 yards to the North and to the South are other piles of Erojacks, but not arranged in any kind of formation.

Yesterday we made a small dive on the circle of Erojacks located at the Osborne Reef.

The growth of living material is in stark contrast to the lack of growth on the tires that can also be seen a few places up against the Erojacks and of course as you may have seen from our other posts from the Osborne Tire Reef here on this website.

The algae and corals attach nicely to the concrete blocks of the Erojacks and you also markedly more fish here than you do where the field of tires are.

Tires dumped onto the Osborne Reef were banded together with nylon bands and metal clips. Over time these corroded and failed and the tires became loose. The image above shows such a nylon band sticking up from the sandy bottom, probably attached at the other end to some tires.

In the image below you can clearly see the remnants of a tire bundle and the nylon bands that once held it together.


Conditions on this day of our visit were somewhat rough. High waves on the surface and a very hefty current Northbound in almost the entire water column except for perhaps right at the bottom. Visibility was OK, but not great, and with a light blue hue (very green towards the surface)