While members of the Project Baseline Gulfstream chapter is still busy with the 2014 Expedition, focus on local area is still on the agenda and work is still carried out closer to home.
We installed a PB marker at the Dania Beach Erojacks on July 17, 2014. We used scrap, green brownie hose to guard the cave line from the Erojack.
Coordinates in degrees/minutes of marker:
N 26°03.774’
W 80°06.398’
About 15 FSW
Visibility was about 30 feet and water was fairly blue compared to most days, although some images appear quite green.
Water Temperature 85°
The erojacks are often visited by divers from all walks of life and it’s our hope that when they see the marker they may search for more of our information on what it is placed there for and may then begin to have an interest in participating in these efforts and perhaps install and monitor markers elsewhere, and naturally help us monitor the markers that we have already set up.
Click here to read more on our visits to erojacks. Notice there are erojacks located several places, so you’ll even find a circle of erojacks that we have mentioned previously at the site of the Osborne Tire Reef.